Enma Martial Arts Correctional Academy - EMACA
The EMACA is a facility dedicated to creating the ideal human being. Here you will find students who were incapable of fitting into society. At this facility we restructure their minds as well as their bodies to create the ideal member of the civilized world.
At the EMACA we train our students to take full advantage of their physical abilities while simultaneously being re-socialized so that one day they can function as the ideal member of society.
Our curriculum includes everything from basic mathematics to Molecular Biology. We even offer basic military training as well as various Martial Arts courses to provide a healthy sense of discipline, duty, and morality.
Our facilities include various laboratories for our different science courses. We also have dorms for all our students. There are several large gymnasiums as well as courtyards for physical training and education. We hold 100 classrooms of various sizes too accommodate all our subjects. EMACA takes pride in our different clubs for the students. This allows them to associate themselves with a group of peers much like themselves.
We also have an on location Colosseum were our tournaments and other school activities take place. The Colosseum is fully customizable and interchangeable meaning that we can at anytime change the terrain and looks of the entire arena for whatever need.
ArenaThe EMACA is also one of the most secure facilities in the world. Literally built out of a mountain and surrounded on all sides by a deep chasm, it is increasingly difficult to approach. The only way in or out is either by air lift or by crossing the heavily guarded bridge.
It is our goal to take the most troubled outcasts of humanity and reshape then into people capable of paving society's way into the future.
Keep it clean.
Mild swearing allowed, but watch those f-bombs they get annoying.
Everyone is human so no godmoding.
Type in English when playing, not in L337 5P34K.
Type Arse-face in the subject area when you PM me your Profiles.
When fighting try not to injure anyone too badly or you will be punished.
All weapons and equipment must be reviewed and 'registered' by myself before use in the RP.
If your Club wants to make war on another club than you have to get permission from me first before you can make an official declaration.
All questions must be directed to the Chatter Box thread titled EMACA Q&A