Right or Wrong. Morals. You all have heard of them, practice them and more importantly, preach them. You can tell me the difference from them. At least you think you can. In simple terms it's this:
Doing what's Right is more obscure, less defined. It means you protect and help others when prudent. You obey laws and be social. Not very clear is it? I would mention following morals and conduct but those vary between every person based on religion, culture, and even how you were raised.
On the other hand there is Wrong, Evil, and the pure opposite of all that is holy and good. This is described as stealing, Lying, Hurting others, and destruction. Malignancy.
They say these two are opposites, completely different and unable to live together. They say light and dark will always fight each other, unable to coexist. In television they portray people as either one or the other, don't they? Don't believe any of that. Beyond our races we are not white or pure, buy neither are we black or evil. All we are, all we've ever been and will ever be are Shades of Gray. Anything else that someone might tell you is a lie, Brainwash. While it is true that some people may be a darker shade of gray and other's lighter both can feel compassion, and both hatred. Both love, both care, and we all strive for something better.
This is of course the case with a young girl, only 19 as she experiences the world from a unique point of view. She is one of the ones thrown away for society. She is different, and powerful. Thus she is feared and rejected. This girl has a name, she goes by Terra Firma, a Latin name giving warning of her special ability. This story, although from her point of view, is not just about her. It's about those she meets, both like her and different. Who they are and how they have survived. Those freaks and civilians all doing what they do, fighting for what they believe and against what they fear.
Through this story I hope to convey a message. Just keep in mind that this isn't all make believe. It's happened several times over thousands of years. This all happened before. It probably will happen again. Hopefully i can change your mind about being apart of the true corruption.