Long ago, super soldiers by the name NAKO were created and swarmed upon the world of Revenant. NAKO were not ordinary super-soldiers, they were born as extraterrestrial beings that were trained with highly-advanced and uber-destructive technology and weaponry who were deployed into the slum world Revenant to fight against the remains of the inhabitants known as Barons alongside humans. A century later, a NAKO MK II fled from the home world of Nevalangel and landed in Revenant, straight into the battle that will change the universe forever.
<But unfortunately the rest of this episode has been ruined, as channel 2014's Anime Archive was lost along with What Went Wrong with Bush? America's finest patriotic comedy. We will air the rest when we find it. Hey if anyone can figure out how much this avatar is worth, I'll give you all my ink. You can't click it, I took out the URL part.>
- Suku-Senpai>
<But unfortunately the rest of this episode has been ruined, as channel 2014's Anime Archive was lost along with What Went Wrong with Bush? America's finest patriotic comedy. We will air the rest when we find it. Hey if anyone can figure out how much this avatar is worth, I'll give you all my ink. You can't click it, I took out the URL part.>
- Suku-Senpai>