Gaia Gangsta
300 HP
Wearing popular items and knowing the now style, the gangsta is usually rich but most likely Asian.
Automatic Fire:
A common attack that deals 50 damage and has a chance to cripple an opponent.
Summon another battler to help combat.

Gaia Gangsta Evolution One
250 HP
After having encountered a dangerous firefight with others of his kind the Gaia Gangsta decided to upgrade his firearm and carry medicine with him. The plasma technology caused weird changes in his body.
Energy Fire:
This attack deals 100 damage but after ten uses your max health goes down 50 HP.
Medicolan 25:
Heals 25 HP but after 10 uses you take 10 more damage for every attack.
Pulse Vision:
Deals 25 damage to all other battlers and cripples one foe.

Gaia Gangsta Evolution Two
400 HP
After falling ill to plasma poisoning and the pulse eye taking control of his body, evil fox spirits from the Chyaku Norisu clan, creators of the Chyaku Norisu Scarf, 2006 MC, decided to take control of his body.
Shinto Slash:
Deals 60 damage but recoils 10 HP.
Aura Blade:
Doubles attack strength but takes down half of health.
Automatic Fire:
A common attack that deals 50 damage and has a chance to cripple an opponent.
Aura Fire:
Deals 30 damage for four turns.

Gaia Gangsta Evolution Three
500 HP
After defeating the evil spirits the Gaia Gangsta comes back to Los Denados and learns new techniques from his old school ways at the Rally.
Sniper Fire:
Deals 80 damage and cripples the opponent.
Execution Shot:
Automatically kills the opponent but takes down three fourth of health.
Demon Arrow:
Deals 80 damage but user loses turn.
Demon Bullet:
Deals 100 damage but user loses turn.
National Connections:
Summon any card to help you.

Gaia Gangsta Evolution Four
750 HP
Happy to be home the Gaia Gangsta returns back to fighting noobs and killing evil. But when confronted by the evil God of Noobs, Gaia Gangsta packs entirely new arsenal of weapons.
Uber Blast:
Deals 150 damage and cripples all opponents.
Dual Spirit:
Deals 100 damage once, then deals another 100 damage if undisturbed for one whole turn.
Deals 200 damage to all opponents, cripples all opponents, and destroys all effects in place.
Massive Sphere Bullet:
Deals 300 damage.
Wintery Breeze:
Heals cripple to one battler and cures all battlers 100 HP.
Final Spirit Grenade:
Deals 1000 damage to all opponents but can only be used once.
Los Denados:
Beautiful city, fun nightlife, it's no wonder why the Gaia Gangsta loves his town so much. That's why when you have any Gaia Gangsta as a battler then all the damage dealt to him will add up until he dies and then will be fired back when he does.