Such a rainy day, the night will fall cold.
Yet i don't think of it as a burden, filled of snow.
But the beautiful music, the water wishes to play.
Not everything is colorful, to be beautiful.
Black and white is breathe-taking,
But it's neither...
BUt glistening and sparkling.
The crystal clear sounds,
of the tune they play.
When everyones as quiet as a mouse.
Never do they play a tunes melody wrong.
Always something different, sometimes slightly, sometimes not.
They are wonderful tears of heavon.
The tears of happiness,
They fall from the heavons.
To play us a symphany,
aren't we special!
Indeed we are, each and everyone of us.
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The heart of a lost angel
..this is just the place i need for my random and boring thoughts
I live in a world with know love for me,I wonder the shadows and find the light.Everyday I search for a love that can endure,everyday I fail.~Inu
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