Look at this conversation with this person on Omegle.com
Stranger: dude You: no You: >_> Stranger: aa, girl? You: si~ Stranger: well me to, but i'm still a dude You: >_> that makes NO sense what so ever Stranger: it dosen't.. hmm guess you not as cool and "hip" as me then You: so you have a mangina? Stranger: nono! You: XD Stranger: a have a v****a, just like you.. i think? You: u sure? >_> Stranger: and boobs and all that, but if someone says, hey dude, I will answer them Stranger: *looking down* .. yeah! You: so your name is dude? and you have a half-mangina? You: >_> Stranger: dude.. you got this all wrong! You: so dude...whats it like to have half of a mangina? Stranger: well. i'm bi. if I had a mangina I would be so lucky You: O_O......>_> You: so u used to have a mangina until rabid wolves bit it off? Stranger: i think your metal Stranger: no You: i not metal i have skin You: *pinches arm* yep skin Stranger: that came out wrong Stranger: what I was meant to say was Stranger: MENTAL! You: >_> maybe...maybe not Stranger: metal? no not metal as in metallic weird and house kinda stuff Stranger: metal like in.. slipkonot? Stranger: you see? You: i'd perfer Disturbed thank you very much >_> You: in both ways MENTAL and METAL Stranger: i saw them this summer smile Stranger: oh yeah You: REALLY!? YOU SAW THEM! Stranger: yeeeeeeeeeeah! You: *HIGH FIVES* biggrin Stranger: *HIGH FIVE* Stranger: you never seen them? You: no, my mom would never let me go to any concert of any kind Stranger: oh. how old are you? You: >_> in between 15 and 13 Stranger: 14? smile Stranger: where from? You: maybe maybe not {yep} Stranger: haha You: the united states {im not naming the state kuz of stranger danger razz } Stranger: hahah okej Stranger: i don't know so much about then u.s states anyway You: oh lol where u at? Stranger: sweden! smile You: oh really? a lot of people on Omegle seem to be from sweden You: idk y thoug O>O Stranger: haha okey biggrin You: have you ever heard of Invader Zim??? You: Nightmare Before Christmas??? You: >_> You: @_@