Okay... so what I've been up to. Lots of talkin' on the phone... in fact, I am right now. *giggles* And scarin' him too. whee I love scarin' peoples....
Anyways! I've been scarin' a lot of freshmen with my A.I. Love You mangas. heart Oh! And I just bought three more D.N. Angel. biggrin So I've now got the first four of that series. And I've got all of the A.I. Love You series. whee
Oh, and I'm in a great mood. I just got back from Hooters. mrgreen I love the wings there. heart
I think that's really about it... besides the fact that I'm buggin' the heck outta my friend right now. blaugh
Frisky doormats! whee
~Pookie heart

Community Member
Oh and I'v got pudding. blaugh
And and and and.......I forgot. gonk
......Oh yea I remember what I was going to say.....IT LEFT ME AGAIN!!! crying gonk
It hates me. crying crying gonk crying
Oh yea now I remember....HI NICE LADY!!!! whee rofl
What? eek
What about crack? eek
I'm not on crck. eek
Who told you that? eek
Me: ......MOMMY SHE'S BEING MEAN TO ME!!!! gonk
Mom: Shut up and get the duck tape the T.V.'s not working. scream
Me: Ok mama. *Pulls out big box full of duck tape and get's a role out.* neutral
Mom: hurry up with the duck tape! scream
Me: *Hand mom the duck tape.* Here ya go mama. neutral
Mom: It's 'bout time. scream
......I'm hyper leave me alone. whee
Lol Thats really what just happend. lol rofl
GET-R-DONE!!!! blaugh