Once upon a time, I was happy, always.
Once upon a time, life was great.
Once upon a time, I had not a care in the world.
Once upon a time, I was happy, always.
The happiness faded.
Life, lost it's greatness.
The world stop caring for me, as I did the same to it.
The happiness faded.
Once upon a time, I gave up on myself.
Once upon a time, I was too depressed to get out of bed.
Once upon a time, I'd bring harm to myself because it was the only way to feel some kind of relief.
Once upon a time, I gave up on everything.
I regained my sense of self.
The depression? Went out the window.
I brought harm to the harm that once harmed me, rescuing myself from further damage.
I regained, my life.
Once upon a time, I'd cry myself to sleep.
Once upon a time, I was happy, always.
Once upon a time, I used to read stories that began with, "Once upon a time,"
Once upon a time, I wished those stories were about me.
Once upon a time, I'd cry, just because.
I fall asleep with ease.
Being happy, is no longer a thing of the past or, a figment of my imagination.
I write the stories of my present, and only dwell on what once was a "Once upon a time."
My life is story, written by me, for me, and illustrated through me.
I cry. I cry out loud, "Oh joy, I am alive!". I cry tears of happiness. I cry, "My life is mine and mine only," I cry, just because.
I cry, "Once upon a time, a girl was born, she died and then was born again because her spirit refused to remain deceased. And here she is today."
Once upon a time, I was happy, always.
Once upon a time, life was great.
Once upon a time, I had not a care in the world.
Once upon a time, I became happy, and it lasted, always.
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And Then, I Started to Write...
A Journal of my "Whatevers" and "Anyhoosits".
It's not just a sound...It's a way of living.