As of 11/1 I am back living in my car.

This is because the person I was staying with has relatives coming to stay. Also, it's quite a long way from work and I was spending a fortune on gas.

But, there's a strontium lining to every cloud! (I bet no one gets that reference...) Now I will be logging into gaia more often since I'll have time to kill and am close to the library again.

It seems Gaia disabled my custom profile because it didn't have the gaia logo. I've restored it after paying a fine. Someone told me how to add the logo back in, but now I need to also move those links back to the top where they are required to be. So far I haven't found this info. I got my profile code from tektek, and then created my own images for it - I don't really know how to edit the code.

I'm sad I missed all the Halloween activities as well as zomg's bday.

And that's the news for now.