I am thankful for my lovely daughter, Tessa.

I am thankful for my sweet affectionate cats, who give me a reason to keep going, and who comfort me when I'm sad.

I am thankful for my friends, both RL and OL. You guys are great!

I am thankful that my health isn't too bad, and that I still have all my faculties. (Somewhat the worse for wear, but I've got 'em!)

I am thankful for my little house which I enjoy so much. I am thankful there wasn't more flood damage.

I am thankful for good books to read and good music to listen to.

I am thankful for all the kind people who donate to me when I'm flying my sign. You probably have no idea how much you help, and how grateful I and my cats are. You are, literally, life savers.

I think that covers it!

Happy thanksgiving everyone!