------I've been recording The !Energy Project, I still am since I'm missing a component, the bass track. I don't have a bass anymore sadly, so I'm hoping to borrow a friend's bass equipment to finish the song. As I was recording I realized one thing, that over time for the past few years I have setup my room to be like a recording studio. Its not the best but its manageable, My recording software is Garageband, and I use Pod Farm in conjunction with Garageband amps to record my guitar tone. I have several types of guitars for recording. I program drums, using several drum machines my dad has given me. I have a keyboard which I use to create ambience and effects. I even record vocals, though I do need to buy a pop filter. Despite the fact that I can record, my recordings aren't really the best quality.
------This got me thinking. My dad always told me to visualize what I wanted in the future. I definitely want to have a studio room when I get my own house/apartment someday. I want it to be nice and big just like my room is right now, perhaps even bigger. I'll have a guitar rack, with my recording guitars on it, all lined up. I'll have high quality guitars too like Taylor or ESP, even custom shop ones. I want an Axe-Fx II, so I get that dreamy variety of guitar tones and even custom make my own like with the Pod Farm. I'll also have bass equipment so I don't run into the problem I have now. The room would also be padded with soundproofing foam. I'll also have a big desk with a desktop, soley for recording, and possibly gaming, and it will have nice sets of studio monitors. I can think of so much more, but I don't know what to say, I'm probably boring you with all the details and what nots
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My Book
I've been writing in this since I was thirteen in 2007. I still am writing in it, and it will probably be my legacy till the day I die. (Don't start reading from the beginning as my writing was atrocious then.)
The road of redemption is a long one, but I think I'm doing great so far.
Thank you.
Thank you.