So I'm gonna be pretty busy on those days... and sleepy.
And now I feel too lazy to complete this entry.... gonna finish sometime tomorrow.
~Pookie heart
Friday 16 June 06; 1130
Well, I just took a quiz...

Which FF Character Are You?
(it also said: second character-rinoa, third character-vivi)
I'm completely lost with that... heh, I don't play that. Heck, I don't really play any games. blaugh
;O I'm not a gamer!
I had to say that. *giggles* Okay, so basic job trainin' was yesterday, and it bored me to death. Reminded me of shcool. gonk Yeah, I'll have to go back. *sniffles* Don't want to, though. *sighs*
I'm still busy bein' a poll whore, and well, savin' up for a birthday gift for my friend. whee I know that it's next month, but I wanted to be ready. 4laugh He's one of my closest friends, and well, also on my "loved forever" list. blaugh Such a sweet guy...
So, I don't think that there's much new... nope, not really. Well, I'm gonna spend a lot of my time relaxin' and cleanin' up 'round the house. Yep... doesn't that sound like fun? biggrin
stare No, it doesn't.
Okay! Enough talkin' to myself. *sighs* *mumbles* even though I did that for about an hour yesterday. ninja
Well, that's all that I've got time for! See y'all next week! 4laugh
~Pookie heart
Community Member