Well first of all to adress the thing I have gained since I had my surgery that I didn't realize I have until about mid-day today. I have a chin. Now for the rest of you that probably seems like nothing extradonary, but to me it is. You see before the surgery I had a chin but very far back there and hard to notice. Now you can actually see the chin and quite clearly I might add. So yeah that left me just standing in front of the mirror for a few minutes while the realization set it.
All right now that I have discussed my discovery that I made this morning now to talk about this entry's subjects, that nurses are idiots. Well not all of them but I had enough of my fare share of them at the hospital to definately call some of them idiots. And for those who have read the last entry I wrote they can understand my feelings about some nurses. For those who haven't read the entry yet, please go read it as soon as you have finished reading this entry in particular. Anyway what the nurse did time was rather stupid. It was time to take my IV out of my hands (yes hands, I had two IVs, in my body, three at one point). The first one came out fine, but the second one well lets just say it came out well but then it started to bleed pretty badly. Not to badly just badly enough to soak through the gauze and have my Mom yelling at the Nurse to put some gloves on to prevent blood-born disease transfer. Yes they do have background checks for this but its always better to be safe than sorry. My Mom eventually dragged another nurse into the room and she finished bandaging myself. Of course my parents refused to leave without being able to get some sort of a copy of record that this was being reported. We still have a few things to sort out but I was able to convince my parents to go back to the hotel (which was abotut 30 minutes from the hospital) so I could just rest. I don't know what is going to happen now I just hope I don't have to go back to the hospital again because of this.
Anyway on another note my first Post-Op appointment is scheduled for on Thursday. Then I am going to have another one in August before I finally go home and by the sounds of it I'll get home after school starts up. Oddly enough I am having mixed feelings about missing those first few days of school. Part of me is happy yet part of me is sad. It might have something to do with the fact I am going to be an upperclassman this year though.
Anyway on another note I want to hit my computer because it won't load Word Bump and I wanted to check this game out and now my stupid computer refuses to load it for some odd reason. Oh well maybe it will let me start playing it later. I really hope so because this is annoying.
Anyway I am going to be pretty much just in the hotel for the next few days. I migth go out a couple of times to rent movies and stuff like that but mostly I am going to stay inside and try to sort out of my irregular sleep pattern (slept from 3 p.m. till 8 p.m. today for some reason). Hopefully my sleep pattern will be back on track in time for school because otherwise I will start getting sleepy in the middle of the school day.
Anyway that is all for now. I might talk a few of my Pre-Op adventures I had in the days following up to my surgery in my next update, but with me I never really know.
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