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Mediocrity At It's Finest
These are just random snippets from my mind... enjoy.
NetStar Chronology - Chapter 20
During the next few weeks, some changes occured with both the NetStars and The Empire. Green obtained a new outfit, as well as skills with a long blade. Yellow learned about Wind power from Green, and eventually learned how to do Wind Magic. Blue bonded with them much better than he had before, and opened up to them. Red, on the other hand, didn't seem to change at all. Other than her mysterious trips to the Great Valley, nothing seemed to be strange with her. Nobody inquired, since she was always so cheerful.

The Empire gained a new Captain, and Black's Lieutenant, Jean got assigned to him. For his excellent work in the Golden Silver plan, Eddie got promoted to Captain, despite the failure of the plan. Supreme was filled with regret, even though he didn't defy Daisaku on purpose. Daisaku dismissed that as an 'unforseen complication' and Supreme's position still remained as Daisaku's loyal right-hand. Orange still tried to get Pink to like him, but only Green was on her mind. Nobody in The Empire seemed to miss Black. Daisaku did, but only because of his interesting abilities. Daisaku was in a slump. He couldn't seem to think of any creative plans, so he continued carrying out the Skull Elimination Project, with little Police and Vigilante intervention.

Something interesting was about to happen, though, as a lone Ghost girl was walking through the Kotobuki forest. The girl looked about fifteen, and wore a white undersuit; Eddie's color. She had blonde hair, and blue irises. Her hair was in a pony tail, and that was the only thing that suggested she was female, aside from her subtle hips. In her nature, she was quite energetic, but always seemed to be quiet around strangers. She admired Green, from what the Captains told her about him. She wanted to meet him very badly, but she knew that he was working on an opposing team; so that desire was a secret one. Kotobuki forest was one of her favorite spots to walk around in, during her free time. She liked all the trees, and the peace. Her walk, however, wasn't going to be peaceful for long. In one of the bushes, she noticed a small, scratched up orb. It barely looked like an orb at all, with how battered up it was. She bent over and tried picking it up, but it seemed to have been attached to something. With both hands, she hauled it out, landing on her seat. It was Seven Force, in major disrepair.

"What is this?" The girl said in surprise.

Seven Force only responded in a steady stream of static.

"Looks like a piece of junk." She frowned. "But, it might prove useful; if only for the purpose of scrap metal."

When the girl picked up Seven Force, it latched onto her, then assimilated itself with her. She gained its weapons and wings, then blinked.

"What the...?"

That is much better. Seven Force said.

"Who's there?" The girl looked around.

I am the piece of junk, as you stated. You may call me Seven Force, as my last master had done.

"You're the mech Captain Green had?" She smiled. "How very fortunate."

I take it you know of Miyamoto.

"Boy, do I! And, I'll know more, thanks to you."

I am not at liberty to reveal his information.

"Not at liberty?" The girl frowned. "I have a mind to leave you here in ruin, for saying that!"

My memories of him have been wiped from my databanks. So even if I wanted to tell you, I couldn't. What I can offer you is my arsenal of powers and abilities.

"Powers and abilities?" She smiled again. "Do tell, Seven Force."

You'll be happy to know that I have a tutorial that works well in the heat of battle.

"In the heat of battle? Why can't you just tell me?"

Because I detect a large amount of hostile forces. They are what you Iotans call Skulls.

"Eh?" The girl was surprised. "How many are there?"

Hard to say. I've been badly damaged, so I can only give you a rough estimate. I'd have to say at least nine of them are headed this way.

"If you're as powerful as I think you are, we should have no problem with them. Start the tutorial!"

On your hands are my claw weapons. They can deal devastating blows, for how fast they are. A Skull approaches at your rear. Fight accordingly.

The girl turned around, and gave the Skull two precise attacks. She was surprised at the speed of the attack, then knocked the Skull down with a hook.

Jump, now. Seven Force ordered. You'll notice once you are airborne, you will remain floating at the apex of your jump.

She jumped, and as Seven Force had stated, she stayed afloat.

"This is pretty neat!" She giggled.

Focus, now. Seven Force said. If you come upon any ranged foe, my claws can channel Light energy, or any energy you might be able to use. When at a desired level, the energy can be released as a powerful shockwave. More enemies approach.

The girl focused Light energy into one of the weapons. Three Skulls walked into the area, and were greeted with a wave of Light. They were knocked back, and the girl released another one with the other weapon. That one knocked them down. She finished the combo by thrusting both hands forward. A much larger wave shot out, and knocked them out.

Very good. You've figured out you don't need to recharge if you're using a combo. While you are floating, you can move in any direction, regardless of where you are facing. This makes dodging a very easy task, even against previously undodgable attacks. Plus, you can boost, in case you need an extra kick. The boost can also be utilized to power up your attacks. Seven Force paused a moment. I am detecting the remainder of the Skulls have retreated. Remember what I have taught you, and you might even be able to come up with some strategies on your own. When you are not using me, I can retract myself, so my extensions won't get in the way of your routine tasks.

Seven Force retracted, and the girl landed on her feet.

I don't believe I got your name, female Cyberhuman.

"Suzette Siete." She told Seven Force. "And, I am just a Ghost in The Empire."

A pleasure to be under your command, miss Siete.

"I can't wait to tell Captain Eddie about this!" Suzette giggled, then ran off.

Once she returned to the tower, she immediately knocked on Eddie's door.

"Who is it?" Eddie's voice came from inside.

"A grunt, sir!" Suzette replied.

"Gah, what do you need?" He opened the door. "It better be important, this time!"

"Look what I got!" She grinned. "Seven Force!"

Seven Force was armed, instantaneously.

"Wha?" Eddie stepped back. "Where did you get that?"

"I found it in Kotobuki forest." She beamed.

"That's quite some legendary power you've got there. But, do you know how to use it?"

"Of course! Seven Force ran a tutorial for me, and I whomped like, four Skulls."

"Four?" Eddie didn't seem impressed.

"Well, Seven Force detected more, but they ran off after the fourth was defeated."

"Neat. You know, when Miyamoto Green was a Captain, he..."

"I know. Seven Force told me about it." Suzette interrupted. "So, what do you think?"

"I think I found my Lieutenant." Eddie smiled.

"Really?" Suzette brightened.

"Yep. I'll take it up with Admiral Daisaku as soon as I can. What's your name, kid?"

"Suzette Siete."

"Oh, right." Eddie nodded. "You're that new girl. Hopefully Admiral will accept my request."

"He should." Suzette crossed her arms. "You don't have a Lieutenant, yet, so I'm in the clear."

"That's the spirit. Now, I've got to finish some important research."

"Oh, right. You do that." Suzette nodded, then ran off.

Good kid. Eddie thought. A little spastic, but that's the sort of thing I want in my Lieutenant.

He closed his door, then returned to his studies.

Meanwhile, a Cyberhuman male was approaching the house of the NetStars. He looked about twenty, and had white hair and silver irises. He was a head taller than average, but was kind of skinny. He wore a white trenchcoat, white pants, and white shoes. He also had a set of four transparent wings. He noticed the house, and knocked at the door.

"Hold on a minute!" Green's voice came from inside.

The man waited patiently, then Green finally opened up the door. His hair was still the same, and he had the wrappings, but his outfit had changed. He wore a long sleeve dark green shirt, a pair of dark green pants, a blue scarf, a black belt, and black shoes. At his left side was a black sheath, which held a katana.

"Good day, sir." The man smiled. "Are you Miyamoto Green, leader of the NetStars?"

"Yes, I am." He nodded. "Who might you be?"

"I am Light Gray, and I have heard about the deeds of your team. Might I join?"

"Um, sure." He blinked. "I'll need to test your power."

"I doubt that will be necessary." Light Gray said. "I have ascended beyond the level of Generic, and you'll find my abilities up to par with your standards."

"Okay, then." Green raised an eyebrow. "Come on in, and meet everyone."

Green and Light Gray walked inside. Blue and Yellow were sitting on the couch, and Red was in the kitchen, but overheard and ran into the room.

"Hello, everyone." Light Gray greeted.

"Who is this?" Yellow asked.

"Everyone, I'd like to introduce you to our newest member, Light Gray."

Light Gray just smiled.

He seems kinda familiar... Red thought. But how?

"I'm Charlotte Yellow, Miyamoto's sister." Yellow said.

"A pleasure." He took her hand, and kissed the top of it.

Blue rolled his eyes.

"I'm Yamato Blue." He said, not too impressed. "You're kinda forward, aren't you?"

"I've been told that." Light Gray smiled, then looked at Red. "Now, who's this boy?"

Red's jaw dropped, and Blue snickered a little.

"Do I have to beat you?" Red clenched a fist.

"Er, you're a girl?" Light Gray laughed nervously. "My mistake."

"The name's Terra Red." Her annoyance was evident. "And, don't you dare make that mistake again."

"Right." He nodded. "Sorry about that."

He was about to say something, but then he looked out the door.

"What is it?" Yellow asked.

"Skulls." Light Gray said with contempt. "I can sense their evil from here."

Light Gray ran outside, and stood by the door. Everyone joined his side, and looked over the horizon. Sure enough, ten Skulls were approaching. All of them were Generic, excluding one. He had black hair, and red irises; and did not carry a shotgun or cannon.

"You!" Light Gray growled. "What the hell are you doing with the Skulls?"

"Hm?" The man grinned. "I'm just having a little fun. I should have known a goody two shoes like you would side with the NetStars."

"Don't you know we need to find our siblings? They're still lost, and you're just sitting around, helping evil!"

"Blah blah blah. Do you ever shut up? I'll look for them when I feel like it. It's not like they're going anywhere."

"You're so... intolerable!"

"Do you two know each other?" Green asked, in surprise.

"Yeah, his name is..."

"I can introduce myself, thank you." The man interrupted. "I am the powerful, the genius, the undeniably invincible Dark Gray!!"

Dark Gray rose his arms, and took a dramatc pose. The Skulls cheered.

"And, it's about time some people supported me!" Dark Gray chuckled.

"Is that why you're in the Skulls?" Light Gray asked. "For an ego boost?"

"It can't be any worse than you joining the NetStars."

"Hey, at least I'm trying to do something about our ordeal. You know what? I think that you could care less if we were reunited."

"Gasp!" Dark Gray said sarcastically. "Oh, my! He does have a brain, people!"

Dark Gray chuckled.

"But, in all seriousness, brother." He continued. "Did you even ask if they wanted to help you out?"

"I'm getting to it!" Light Gray growled, then looked at Green. "What do you say, Miyamoto?"

"Well, you've already forced yourself on us this far." Green sighed. "We'll see what we can do about finding your siblings. But remember, our priority is the safety of Iota."

"Do you even realize who you're talking to, kid?" Dark Gray laughed.

"Who am I talking to?" Green rolled his eyes.

"If I told you, that would ruin the secret." Dark Gray made a snide grin.

Green scowled.

"In any case, it would be really nice if you could help me find them." Light Gray rejoined.

"Yes, we'll do what we can." Green nodded.

"Oh, and Dark Gray." Light Gray started.

"What?" Dark Gray asked.

"I don't care how high you get in your position, when we find the others, we're coming to find you."

"Yeah yeah, go on with your priorities and whatnot. In the meantime, I'll be having some fun. Come on, boys and girls."

Dark Gray walked off with his group.

"There's just no talking to him." Light Gray sighed.

"So, how many of these siblings do you have? Yellow asked.

"Well, there's me, Light Gray. Then, Dark Gray. Then Solid Gray, Exodus Gray, Usagi Gray, and finally Small Gray."

"The Shades of Gray." Red chuckled knowingly. "I can't believe I didn't think of it sooner."

"How did you know about that title?" Light Gray blinked.

"I'm older than you think."

"Then, perhaps you know what happened, Terra?"

"Oh, yeah." She nodded. "I thought you seemed familiar."

"What are you talking about?" Blue asked Red.

"You'll find out in due time." She gave an intelligent smile. "But, for the time being, let's just find the rest of the Shades."

"Where should we start?" Yellow asked.

"Small Gray is the weakest." Light Gray replied. "So, we should find him first. From there, we should decide which one we should search for next."

"Okay." Green nodded. "Some of us will stay behind, just in case The Empire does anything funny. Terra and Yamato, do you mind holding the fort?"

"Not at all." Red smiled.

"I'm cool with that." Blue nodded, then thought. Although, I would rather have Charlotte stay with me.

"Charlotte, Light Gray, and I will look for Small Gray." Green told them. "Good luck."

"Thank you." Red waved.

"Thanks." Blue replied. "You too."

And so, Light Gray, Yellow, and Green went off to search for Small Gray. It was the begining of a new saga; one which would have a magnificent climax.

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  • User Comments: [1]
    Renton Noah
    Community Member

    Tue Dec 11, 2007 @ 11:52pm

    I like all the new characters. Suzette Siete acts some what immanture but I don't know why I think of her more like a femenine man then a silly girl. And the Grays, Light Gray look like a very powerful individual, however I do like his evil brother Dark Gray and how does; Exodus Gray Usagi Gray, and Small Gray go with the color scheme. I mean 'dark' and 'light' ya but Usagi? What is that

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