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Mediocrity At It's Finest
These are just random snippets from my mind... enjoy.
NetStar Chronology - Chapter 26 (The Epilogue is next...)
In a flash of red Dark Chaos, a new Cyberhuman appeared. He had white hair, and silver irises. His eyes had a souless look to them, though. He wore a black body suit, silver boots, and silver gauntlets. There was something intimidating about him, but also... something wasn't quite right about him.

"I am Julius Forte, Guardian of Power." The Cyberhuman stated. "And now you shall be destroyed."

"What's this I hear about The Empire controlling Julius?" Dark Gray asked as he ran up beside the NetStars, and the other Shades.

When Dark Gray saw the Cyberhuman, he stared for a moment, then burst out laughing. He laughed loud, and obnoxiously. He laughed so hard he fell over.

"I am Julius Forte." The Cyberhuman repeated. "You will pay for laughing at my power."

"Bullshit." Dark Gray stated flatly, immediately calmed down.

Dark Gray stood up.

"Okay then." Dark Gray opened his arms. "If you're Julius Forte, Guardian of Power, then where's your scythe?"

"There is no scythe, you fool." The Cyberhuman answered. "All there is is power, beyond your imagination."

"Right." Dark Gray nodded. "Okay, then. Where's the scar?"

"That's right!" Red stared in surprise. "The scar that the Guardian of Defense gave you!"

Daisaku swallowed hard, and the Cyberhuman continued talking about his power.

"Daisaku, you can't expect..." Dark Gray started, then looked at 'Forte'. "Shaddup!!"

'Forte' stopped talking.

"Daisaku." Dark Gray continued. "Do you really believe you can pass this babbling idiot off as the Guardian of Power?"

"I thought it would be a lot more convincing than this." Daisaku frowned in shame. "These results are less than desirable."

"You'd better hope the real Julius doesn't find out." Dark Gray laughed. "He hates being copied."

"Okay, he might be a fake." Daisaku growled, then grinned. "But that doesn't mean he can't destroy you. Julius, attack!"

"Fear my power, fear my power, fear my power." 'Forte' repeated over and over.

"He's harmless." Dark Gray walked over to the fake.

He punched the fake across the head, making it stumble. The fake held a hand out, and fired a huge beam of Dark Chaos at Dark Gray. Dark Gray was sent back, and fell down.

"Maybe harmless isn't the most correct term." He coughed.

"Stop fooling around!" Usagi snapped. "We've got work to do!"

"Hey, Charlotte?" Red asked.

"Yes, Terra?" Yellow looked at Red.

"You still have that energy we absorbed from the 'Climax cannon'?"

"Yeah, so?"

"On my mark..."

"I get the point." Yellow smiled.

"Hey, fake out!" Red yelled.

"Who dares call me a fake?" 'Forte' looked at her.

"Combined Attack; Firebolt!!"

Red and Yellow released a wall of power, an amalgamation of Fire and Electric energy, and the fake Forte was knocked over.

"One hit?" Daisaku stared.

"Well, technically, Dark Gray also..." Supreme started.

"Shut up!" Daisaku pounded Supreme's head. "Get the serum."

"But, didn't you say the serum has mutagenic..."

"Get the serum." Daisaku narrowed his eyes.

"Great." Dark Gray stood up. "He's got something other than this half baked copy of a Guardian up his sleeve."

Supreme took out a syringe, and injected a strange fluid into the fake Forte. Forte floated up, his power increased ten fold.

"This power..." He said. "I can feel the power!"

"Good." Daisaku smiled. "Go get them, and don't mess it up this time!"

"Grugh..." The fake Forte gurgled. "Blegh..."

"What the hell is wrong, now?" Daisaku became angry again.

"Mutagenic properties." Supreme shrugged. "No, don't listen to the right hand. Gotta do things your way."

"Well, as long as the NetStars are destroyed, it doesn't really matter."

Supreme blinked. I think you're forgetting our true purpose, Admiral.

The fake Forte dropped to his knees, and started glowing. Solid ran over, beside Daisaku.

"Eh?" Daisaku looked at him. "Captain Solid, what are you doing here?"

"Sorry, Admiral." Solid smiled at him. "But, it's time for us to part ways. I know you understand."

Solid gave him a thumbs up, and ran towards the NetStars.

"Solid!" Daisaku yelled. "You turncoat!!"

Solid watched the fake Forte morph, with his allies. A beam shot up from the fake's body, and then there was a flash. Standing in the spot where the fake was, was a large, two headed black dog. It easily stood at ten feet in height.

"Oh, look at that." Dark Gray looked up. "That's one big..."

"Shut up." Usagi glared at him.

Dark Gray gave her a grin.

"Look, while we're all together..." Light Gray said. "We might as well perform the reunison."

"Oh, right!" Exodus blinked.

"Head count!" Dark Gray cheered.

"We're all here!!" The other Shades yelled at him.

They all clasped hands, and stood in a circle.

"To start anew..." Exodus said.

"To restore what was lost..." Light Gray followed.

"Rejoin the seperated..." Solid smiled.

"Bring us joy..." Small cheered.

"And with our combined genius..." Dark Gray rolled his eyes.

"Finish our cure, and reunite!!" Usagi called out.

The six of them glew, and beams of red, black, and white fell upon them. The area shook a little, and everyone felt a little intimidated, even Daisaku.

"What's going on?" Green looked.

"Watch." Red grinned.

When the beams faded, only one Cyberhuman stood. He looked about twenty, and had shoulder length black hair. He was a head taller than average, and had the same hat and trenchcoat as some of the Shades. But, the hat had a silver eagle emblem, as well as the coat. His boots had silver toes. The large sword that belonged to Exodus was on his back, but it was larger; three feet wide and seven feet long. The hilt was large enough for three hands, and at the end was an eagle figure. The sides of his arms, and the side of his coat were lined with silver. His irises glew red, and he had a grin spread across his face.

"In name, I am master of thought." The man started. "In title, I am Archimedes Gray; Guardian of Battle! Man, does it feel good to be restored!"

Green just stared, horrified. Red giggled a little. Archimedes looked at Green, then gained the same horrified look.

"That moment never happened!" Archimedes said. "I cannot be held liable for the actions of certain sides!"

"Agreed." Green cringed. "Let's just focus on the matter at hand."

"This shouldn't take long." Archimedes drew his sword, and looked at the hound. "Come here, and taste the power of a real Guardian!"

Archimedes dashed at the dog, as it galloped towards him.

"Hey, Supreme." Daisaku said, with his head bowed.

"Yeah, Admiral?" He asked.

"Go back to the base, and start working on another plan. I'll be right there."

"Right..." Supreme nodded, then disappeared.

Archimedes slashed the dog three times, each slash knocking it to the respective side.

"Now, feel the wrath of my Devastator!!" He called out, and the blade glew bright red.

He slammed the blade onto the ground, engulfing the dog in a series of large Dark Chaos explosions. When the explosions finished, all that remained was the fake Forte. Archimedes put the sword on his back.

"Aren't you going to finish him?" Yellow asked.

"Nah." Archimedes smiled, and held a hand at the fake. "I'll just send him to Murkas, where the real Julius Forte is confined. We'll see what happens."

"Oh, boy..." Blue murmured, a little disturbed.

The false Forte was converted into data, and forced through the ground. Yellow looked at Green nervously. Red walked a few steps closer to Daisaku, who mirrored the action.

"Why do you fight?" Red asked. "What is your reason for causing all this destruction?"

"Terra..." Blue frowned.

"I fight for a better future." Daisaku told her. "And, things must be sacrificed for the greater good."

"No you don't." Red stared him in the eye. "You don't fight for the greater good. You're fighting for revenge."

"Who are you?" Daisaku returned the stare. "You seem to know me so well, girl."

"My name is Allysha Daisaku." She stated, not taking her eyes of his.

"Eh?" Blue paled.

"What?" Green was shocked.

"Oh my..." Yellow blinked.

"Allysha!" Daisaku stepped backwards. "It can't be. You ran out on me, years ago, now you mean to oppose me?"

"Why shouldn't I?" She stepped forward again. "You opposed everything that you and mom had taught me! You both raised me well, but when she died, everything changed!"

"I'm trying to bring back our honor!" Daisaku clenched a fist. "Don't you want vengence, too?"

"Not if it means going to such extremes as you have gone. You taught me to never resort to actions which would hurt innocent people. Always fight fair, and no matter what, don't lose heart."

"I'm aware of that, but..."

"But nothing! I tried to console you the best I could, but all I got was the cold shoulder. Then, I find out you created The Empire!"

"I did it for you and Serena!"

"Do you think she would have wanted you to kill so many people?" Allysha stepped forward once more, eyes watering. "I know I don't."

There was a long pause.

"Fine." Daisaku finally said. "I'll just... stop."

"Stop?" She became more quiet.

"I won't do anything, if that would make the two of you happy."

"No." Allysha shook her head.

"Then what?" Daisaku frowned.

"Make ammends for what you've done. Help Iota out."

"You mean, help out those who have scorned us?"

"No." She wiped her eyes. "It doesn't have to be the Police. You can continue dissolving the Skulls' plans. Just don't hurt anyone else."

"I suppose I could try that..." Daisaku sighed. "I mean, it would be doing a good service to Iota."

"See? Now that's what I'm talking about." She smiled. "Come on, smile."

"Yeah." Daisaku smiled a little. "Look, I'm really sorry. I was really hurt when it happened, and I guess I didn't know how to react. It must have been hardest on you, first losing your mother, then your father going insane."

"Heh, I'm over it now. But, since you've only hurt a few citizens other than Skulls, you'll probably just have to do a little community service. After that, you can go back to your tower, and help rid Iota of those damned Skulls."

"But... what will you do?"

"I'm... I'm with the NetStars, remember?" She opened her arms. "I've grown so attached to them, that I wouldn't be able to leave. Can I stay with them, please?"

"Okay." Daisaku nodded. "But, on one conditon."


"Grow your hair out. Geez, you look like a freakin' boy."

"Gah!" Allysha smacked her forehead. "Dad!!"

Everyone laughed.

"Okay, I'll see if any of the Captains still want to follow me, after the change. I got a lot of work to do. Thanks, Ally."

She ran over, and hugged him tightly.

"See you around." She smiled.

Daisaku nodded, then stepped back.

"Hey, Miyamoto!" He called over.

"Yes, Daisaku?"

"Take good care of Allysha, for me!"

"I will, sir!"

"Oh, and you can call me Ashiro. I'll see you all later!"

Daisaku flew away, and Allysha ran back over to her allies.

"Well, that was interesting." Archimedes chuckled.

"Who would've known that all this time we've been hanging around with the daughter of our oppressor?" Blue raised an eyebrow.

"Heh, sorry I lied to you guys." She rubbed the back of her head. "But, if everyone knew my name, I'd have gotten the reputation as the daughter of a psychopath."

"It's all water under the bridge, now." Green told her.

"I think Allysha is a pretty name." Yellow smiled. "It'll suit you more when you get that long hair."

"Right." She smirked.

"Another conflict resolved." Archimedes looked at the sky, sarcasm overlapping his voice. "Oh, rapture."

"What's up with you?" Yellow looked at him strangely.

"There's a rather large problem that me and the other Guardians are going through, right now." He told her. "It's the reason why the real Julius is in Murkas, why I was split up into six different Cyberhumans, and why all the other Guardians are too paranoid to leave their Sanctuaries."

"And, what might that be?" Green asked.

"Augustus Serenade, Guardian of Defense. He went on a major power trip after the Guardian War. You know what the Guardian War was, right?"

Blue, Yellow, and Green shook their heads.

"Put simply." Allysha told them. "Aerina Delta and Satarage Golden Silver tested to become Guardians. They went through all the trials, and passed all the tests, but Augustus wouldn't clear the vote. See, when deciding a new Guardian, the decision has to be unanimous."

"Serenade had good reason to stop them from becoming Guardians." Archimedes said. "Aerina was too impatient, and Satarage... well, he's just not the best person to leave the fate of Iota to. Enraged by this, Aerina allied herself with all the people she could find, including our friend Mitocles Climax, and started a major battle with us Guardians."

"The Guardian War was just one battle?" Blue asked, a little confused.

"Yes, but with the amount of casualties, it should have been a war. Or, more like a Generic genocide." Archimedes frowned slightly. "But anyway, Aerina and crew actually beat us by a small margin. We had no choice but to name the three of them Guardians. Aerina of Movement, Satarage of Destruction, and Mitocles of Vengence. Of course, Angelina White had the bright idea of sealing Mitocles away. She claimed it was punishment for their misdeeds, but it didn't bode well with ol' Serenade. He tried to punish her, but Satarage stuck up for her, despite what she did to his friend. Serenade sealed Satarage in the four Gems, and the Guardians other than myself fled. What I did was no better. I told him he was out of line, and what I got was a face full of curse. I found myself split into six different sides, the Shades of Gray. Before we could rejoin, Serenade banished us to various points on Iota. I suppose if it wasn't for Light Gray finding you guys, we'd still be wandering around lost. But, Dark Gray didn't do anything to help."

"What's with that, anyway?" Blue asked. "They're all you, right? So, why do they act different?"

"Each of my Shades has a different part of my personality. Serenade made it so that each personality conflicted with the other. Light is overly obsessive, Small is annoying, Solid is headstrong, Exodus has the charisma of a rock, Usagi is a flaunt and a tease, and Dark is just a p***k." He paused. "It's almost like a mental breakdown."

"But you're fine, now." Green told him.

"Yeah, almost."


"Well, there's still the fact that Serenade is being a complete tyrant, even two hundred years after the war, and that none of the Guardians can do anything about it." He grumbled.

"Wait." Yellow said. "Where does the Guardian of Power fall into this?"

"Julius Forte was a Vigilante, a long time ago. I don't know the whole story, but Angelina saw potential in him, and appointed him to the task of taking Serenade down. It didn't work out so well, because his a** got sealed away in Murkas."

"If a Guardian couldn't do it, then how can we do it?" Green asked.

"Eh?" Archimedes raised an eyebrow. "No. That's out of the question."

"But... don't you think we could be of a little..."

"Miyamoto." Yellow placed a hand on Green's shoulder. "This is a matter for the Guardians to handle. Please, leave it at that."

"The girl's right." Archimedes nodded. "Besides, it's only a matter of time before Julius gets out. I've been feeling a strong power off and on, for a while now."

"So, what do you suggest we do?" Green asked, almost anxious.

"Continue helping the Police." He turned away. "Help them dispose of crimes across Iota. There are plenty of other problems here, other than the ordeal with the Guardians."

"Very well." Green nodded. "I'll do my part to help out. But, Archimedes, sir?"

"What is it?" Archimedes turned his head back.

"You'd better hold up your end of the deal, too." Green smirked. "Give that tyrant a good one for me."

"Right!" Archimedes gave a sharp nod. "I'll see you all later. Absilio mundus!"

And with that, the Guardian disappeared in an explosion of red chaos.

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  • User Comments: [1]
    Renton Noah
    Community Member

    Fri Dec 21, 2007 @ 03:17am

    It as a fake I can't believe they were unable to actually get the real one, and nice they used the remaining energy they had absorbed in orderd to beat the fake and what then Daisuku goes ahead and mutated him into a two-head dog...wierd! And then the Shades combination was really cool, that must be one huge sword eek And Terra being actually his daugther was another shocking twist and how did Police killed his wife or more like why? And the Guardian war was all just one long battle that killed so many, wiat can new Guardians be created. Because Green could be the Guardian of Peace in order to keep the others under control

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