~~~Episode Thirty-Eight~~~
Haku was running to keep up with Wheeljack, but he remained as quiet as possible.
The white mech was walking briskly, his weapon in his grip and his optics flashing as they continuously scanned the area. He would stop every now and then, but other than that they were moving at a constant rate.
Wheeljack came to a stop beside an open doorway and cautiously peeked in around the corner. Haku stepped beside the massive leg of the Autobot, watching as Wheeljack pulled back and glanced down at him.
”Haku, there is a Decepticon inside. If we go past, there’s a chance he’ll see us…”
Wheeljack’s voice came across the com link and into Haku’s helmet and Haku nodded in understanding. He gestured a little since he couldn’t speak without risking being heard, but Wheeljack got what he was trying to say. His eyes glistened as he scanned files,
”There is a control room that will help us out – slag! I can’t get any details. Only thing I know is that the control room is somewhere in the northern section of the base…let’s back track a little and try to find another way.”
Haku mumbled something, but followed Wheeljack without hesitation.
Jazz peeked around the entrance before motioning for the others to follow him inside.
It was a good thing the Decepticons were so laid back with guarding their back door. Jazz almost laughed at their confidence that just because their base was constantly moving that they were protected.
”Right, stick together guys. Mirage, go ahead and scout if you don’t mind. Jazz ordered.
Mirage nodded and in a faint flash of blue light disappeared on the spot.
Jazz smiled at this before turning to Hound and Bumblebee,
”Hound, try tracking Wheeljack’s signal, or even Haku’s. Bumblebee, go ahead as well and scout – make sure you stay low.”
Hound began to scan as ordered, but Bumblebee seemed to be distracted. The minibot didn’t even respond to Jazz’s message and this caught his attention.
That got the reaction Jazz wanted, and he smiled at the look of surprise on the younger mech’s faceplate.
”Stay focused, Bee.”
With that, they started down the hall into the base. Bumblebee blinked, glancing back before following.
There was silence in the now empty hall. A figure stepped inside, glancing around before smiling and looking back.
“Spike, it’s clear. They already went ahead.” Zeph said, keeping his voice low.
Haku was the one to peek into the doorway this time, mainly because he had run ahead a few paces of Wheeljack.
The mech came up behind him, silent as possible while Haku looked into the room.
It seemed to be a lab or communications room of some kind – or just an insane lab. There were wires lining the floors, control panels lining the walls, and several large metal tables placed in rows.
Maybe a medbay…he couldn’t decide. His eyes continued to look around until the fell upon a large cage. He narrowed his eyes, then gasped slightly.
Haku glanced to see that the room was empty before he ran in. Wheeljack jumped slightly at Haku’s sudden disappearance and in seconds Haku heard the mechanic’s voice in his ear.
”Haku?! What are you doing!?”
Haku kept quiet, jumping over a couple wires before coming to the cage that Yuri was sitting in.
Wheeljack hesitated before slipping into the room and began scanning it.
Haku had almost grabbed the bars holding Yuri in when he noticed the faint aura the metal was giving off.
Haku glared, pulling his hands back before looking at Yuri.
“Yuri!” he whispered.
The girl paused before turning. Her eyes widened and she stood abruptly. She opened her mouth to speak, but Haku quickly hushed her by putting a finger to his lips.
Yuri nodded, closing her mouth and watching as Haku ran to the door of her cage.
”Haku! It’s a trap!”
The panic in Wheeljack’s voice sent a chill down Haku’s spine and he spun around as a yowl came from behind him.
Ravage hissed, crouching down before leaping at him in a blur of black. Haku glared, ducking down and rolling forward to dodge the mechanical panther.
He got to his feet to feel metal claws grab his arm and yanking it up. This action caused Haku to shout in pain.
“Let go of me!” he shouted, grabbing Laserbeak’s leg as the bird pulled him up into the air by the arm.
Wheeljack came running to help him, easily picking up the pain and distress in the teen’s voice, but a blast skimming his shoulder caused him to turn. Soundwave’s weapon was fully charged, sparking with energy as he aimed it once again at Wheeljack.
“Oh slag…” Wheeljack said, glaring.
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