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Mediocrity At It's Finest
These are just random snippets from my mind... enjoy.
NetStar Chronology - Chapter 12
Yellow had found her way to Aqualiss, a town that is almost entirely water. Everything else was like a beach, where all the shops and houses were. She looked around hastily for Pink.

Why do I feel so strange? She thought as she ran. I can feel my Elemental power coarsing through my leilines, ever since I touched that Gem... I wonder what happened...

Her thoughts were interrupted, when she saw Pink.

"You there!" Yellow yelled valiantly. "Don't move, you wretch!"

Yellow immediately shot a spray of static at her. Pink twisted out of the way, dodging the attack.

"Oh, hello Charlotte." Pink smiled. "You seem pleasantly hostile, today!"

"Oh, shut up! You know what I'm after!"

"Oh, I'm afraid I can't give up my Gem so easily." Pink dashed at her at a high speed.

"I don't care about the Gem." Yellow dodged a kick. "Just bring Miyamoto back!"

"I can't do that, friend." She blocked a punch. "It wasn't my idea to assimilate him into our ranks! It was Admiral Daisaku's!"

Pink threw a kick, which Yellow blocked.

"But, you were the one who led him to us!" Yellow attacked with a palm thrust.

"Honestly..." Pink grabbed her arm, then threw her onto the ground. "I had no idea Daisaku would go to such extremes. But, I am pleased, nonetheless. Your brother is such a nice guy!"

"Curse you!" Yellow jumped back up, and turned to her. "I won't allow you to harm him!"

She shot another spray of static. Pink was caught in it, and was considerably affected.

"Hey!" She cringed. "I'd never harm him! You're being rather overprotective!"

She thrust her hands forward, and a huge gust of Wind knocked Yellow over.

"It is my duty as his older sister to protect him from harm!" Yellow stood up. "And, I won't let you or anyone else get in the way of that!"

Yellow shot a larger, but less powerful area of static. Pink was able to guard herself from most of the damage.

"Even at the expense of his own happiness?" Pink said, still guarding.

"Who says he's happy in the group he intends to oppose?" Yellow shot a ball of Electric energy.

Pink called out, and smacked the ball, assisted by Wind; and it flew back at Yellow twice as fast. Yellow was struck, and stunned.

"What if, even though he was miserable in The Empire, there was someone around to support him? What if that someone made the experience worth it to him, to console him the best they could; if only to make the ordeal more bearable?" Pink glared at her.

Yellow knelt down, released from the stun, but she didn't answer.

"What if that someone was me?" Pink continued, softening. "Would you still hate me, even though I'm trying to keep your brother out of trouble?"

"But... I just want him back." Yellow frowned. "I just want to know he is safe."

"I can't bring him back. But maybe I can get you closer to him. Hang on to my Gem, and you might meet him soon."

"I can't..." Yellow shook her head. "I'm not going to be able to fight him, if it comes down to that."

"Nobody's asking you to." Pink took the Sapphire Diamond out of her pocket. "I'm going to set the Gem down, and leave. Take it if you wish."

Pink laid the Gem on the ground, stepped back, then disappeared in a gust of wind.

"All this fighting does is bring suffering for both sides." Yellow picked up the Gem. "And I'm no better."

She looked it over a little.

A lot of trouble you're causing us. You and the other three.

Pocketting the Gem, Yellow sighed, then disappeared in a bolt of lightning, and reappeared outside her house. She opened up the door, and saw Red.

"Oh, Charlotte!" Red seemed relieved. "Thank goodness I found you!"

"What happened?" Yellow seemed concerned.

"James hacked into the frequency of our videophone, and challenged Yamato to a battle at the Great Valley!"

"Yamato's in danger..." Yellow shook her head. "But we can't do anything about it! We're both wiped out from our battles."

"Do you have Athena's Gem?"

"Yes, right here." She showed Red the Gem.

"Perfect! If we can get that to Yamato, he still might have a chance!"

"How?" Yellow was confused.

"The Gems have extensive powers. They increase the Elemental power of those who touch them! That's what happened to you, when you touched the Topaz Star!"

"Then... we have to hurry!"

Yellow and Red ran out of the house, then disappeared in their respective Elements.

At the Great Valley, Black and Blue had been fighting hard, but Blue seemed to have taken the most damage. Five Ghosts stood nearby to watch the match.

"You look like you're ready." Black grinned. "Ready to visit death!"

"Not so fast!" Blue said. "You won't... get me this time!"

He held a hand out, and the Ghosts were covered in a layer of Ice.

"What did you do?" Black growled. "Why can't I absorb them?"

"I... simply used common sense." Blue grinned weakly. "When you used Genocide on me last time, the Ghosts had static flowing through them. Electric energy is extreme Elemental activity, so that acted... as a catalyst for your power. But Ice... energy is Elemental inactivity, and since these Ghosts are frozen, your power can't reach them. Or rather, it can, but it will leave you open long enough for me to strike."

"Looks like I'll just have to fight fair, then." Black huffed, giving a small smile.

Black ran and slammed Blue with a kick, sending him flying back. Yellow and Red appeared.

"Oh, what fun this is!" Black hollered, getting annoyed. "The freakin' cavalry arrives just in time!"

Ignoring Black's comment, Yellow spotted Blue. Red just stuck her tongue out at Black.

"Yamato." Yellow clasped his hand. "Take this!"

She clasped one of his hands in both of hers, setting the Sapphire Gem in his hand; and his body coarsed with Water energy. He stiffened up, due to the sudden injection of power, but then he sprang to his feet, and gave Yellow back the quartz jewel.

"Thanks, Charlotte." Blue grinned. "I can feel the power flowing through me! So that's what you meant, Terra!"

"Duh!" Red laughed, then looked at Black. "Nothing's gonna save you from Yamato's wrath, now!"

Blue rushed at Black, who was just grinning. Suddenly, out of nowhere, Green jumped down from the sky, and gave Blue a powerful kick; knocking him over. Yellow only had enough time to react, before Green shot a burst of Forest energy at her. But instead of doing damage, it exploded into powder, which disoriented her.

"Hey!" Red yelled. "Where'd he come from?"

Green zig zagged to the right and left, towards Red. When he was in range, he gave her two hooks, and a roundhouse kick. She slid across the ground, and Green jumped backwards a few times, to end up near Black.

"You were saying?" Black grinned. "That was Miyamoto's Scout Concealment technique. Someone such as me can easily detect it, but ones with senses as dull as yours couldn't tell he was even there at all! Now, then. Finish them off!"

"I am a Captain, James, which means I don't need to follow your orders." Green said, without looking at him. "I shall fight them however I please."

"Just remember, if either of us loses our Gem, we'll be punished."

Yellow shook her head, then blinked; regaining her senses.

"Since when did he become so powerful?" Red stood up, rather annoyed.

"Since I obtained the Emerald Triangle." Green told her. "On top of that, I've been training with Athena and James. Just leave. I don't want to have to hurt any of you."

"You mean, any more than you already have?" Blue stood up, angry. "You're nothing but a traitor!"

"I'm warning you, Yamato." Green turned his attention to Blue. "If you provoke me, I will attack you. I have no choice in my position."
"Then, what are you waiting for?" Blue took defense. "Stay out of this, Charlotte and Terra!"

"Very interesting." Black smiled. "I'll leave this up to you, Miyamoto."

Black disappeared in his shadow.

"Damn it, get back here!" Red growled.

"So, James means to trust me with this battle?" Green said. "I can't say I blame him for being afraid of you, Yamato. But this does give me the perfect opportunity to test out my abilities in real time."

"Why are you doing this, Miyamoto?" Yellow frowned. "You don't need to fight us!"

"What?" Green gave her a soft smile. "This is just like our friendly practice battles, only this time it's with a wager. You'd both do well to fight fair and stay out this."

Blue drew his spear and ran at Green, then thrust it straight into his chest.

"Yamato!" Yellow screamed. "What did you..."

But before anything else could be said, the body burst into leaves.

"What trickery is this?" Blue stared.

Green was in the air, and he threw down a barrage of Forest bursts, bombarding the confused Blue. He dropped down, and gave Blue a thrashing with palms, fists, and feet. Red threw a burst of Fire at the seemingly oblivious Green, but at the last second he hit the blast with his forearm, and sent it back at her in a rush of Wind. The blast hit her, and she stumbed back.

"I warned you." Green told Red.

"What did he do?" Red muttered.

"I told you..." Green said, rushing at her. "I've been training under the Captains!"

Instead of attacking her, he jumped right over her head. He sensed that Yellow was attacking, so her bolt of static hit Red, instead.

"Gah!" Red cringed. "Charlotte, I'm on your side!"

"Sorry, Terra!" Yellow frowned, surprised.

"Everybody, hold it!" Daisaku yelled from the skies.

They all watched as Daisaku touched down beside Green.

"Admiral Daisaku." Green acknowledged.

"Would you look at this?" Daisaku said, looking straight at Blue. "It seems James was right. Do you really intend to defy me, Yamato?"

"Do I?" He replied. "It wasn't my intention to defy you. It is my intention to destroy James."

"What, for exposing that traitor for who she really was?" Daisaku seemed slightly confused.

"That is a lie, sir! James is just trying to save his own a**. And when I find out what he's done to make such a vile lie, I will expose him for what he really is."

"Until that day comes, you are still against me, since you are making attempts on the life of one of my Captains." Daisaku suddenly smiled. "But, I'm not bothered by your treason so much now."

"And why is that?" Blue scowled.

"Well, you know what they say." Daisaku put a firm hand on Green's shoulder. "An eye for an eye, boy. I suggest you all leave, lest you want to incur both our wraths."

Blue grumbled, then looked at Yellow.

"Well, Charlotte?" He asked. "What do you say?"

There was a long pause, and Yellow swallowed hard.

"Withdraw." She reluctantly ordered. "Everyone, withdraw, now!"

Red, Blue, and Yellow disappeared in their respective Elements.

"I know this ordeal is troubling, Miyamoto." Daisaku started.

"I'm glad you didn't make me fight them."

"I can only allow so much holding back, you know that, right?"

"I'm well aware of that." Green sighed.

"But anyway, where is James? I needed to see him."

"He returned to base right after Yamato absorbed the Sapphire Diamond's power."

"It would seem your friends figured out the secret as well. Is the Ruby Orb safe?"

"Yes, sir."

"Well, there's some good news concerning him for a change."

"I don't mean to point out the obvious, but we need to find a way to retrieve the Sapphire Diamond and Topaz Star Gems."

"I have just the solution. But, you're not going to be pleased."

"Don't be concerned with my thoughts on the matter. You're the Admiral." Green sounded offended.

"Right, well, I just want to let you know that I'm not as much of a scumbag as you and your friends think." Daisaku explained, sensing some hostility from Green.


Daisaku flew off. Green scowled sorely.

If that's the case, then why did you force me into The Empire? He thought.

Soon after that thought, he disappeared in a rush of leaves.

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  • User Comments: [2]
    Community Member

    Sat Nov 17, 2007 @ 07:06am

    Nice story. 3nodding

    Renton Noah
    Community Member

    Sun Nov 18, 2007 @ 04:58am

    Ok you got me. I thought I knew what James powers were but it seem I was wrong the same goes for Pink, in one panel she is good in another she is bad. I just think James powers are cool but scary. Oh and Green did he really betray them or is he doing it so his friends won’t get hurt? Not, because he hurt them himself. And does James has a Gem for his element?

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