Well, just as I finished writing yesterday's journal entry, the library internet crashed - again, for the third time in 8 days. rolleyes

So herewith, yesterday's entry:

Happy Valentines Day to you all.

I've been at the park most of the day, watching an astonishing number of couples come and have picnics and go for walks, etc. Very depressing. Most of the time it doesn't bother me that I'm alone, but this day sort of rubs it in. cry

Some of you may have noticed I usually manage to get on now long enough to get my freebies if nothing else. That's because I'm actually using my daughter's library card as well, so I get two sessions a day. wink I've also learned that if I time it right each session can actually be over an hour - if no one is waiting it offers me an extra 10 minutes, and keeps doing that as long as no one is waiting to use the computer.

Next monday the library will be closed for president's day, so no computer that day.

I applied for a couple of jobs this morning. There wasn't really anything else listed at any of the job sites, so I have some time tonight. I might try to do some zomg, but last time I couldn't find anyone to play with, so maybe I'll just booty grab - I've earned hardly any gold since DMs opened, lol.

As a treat I got to have a piece of pizza tonight. My daughter shared it with me. It was okay, but not as good as pizza I make myself. I miss my kitchen! I'm not really an enthusiastic cook you understand, but I like my own cooking.

know these entries are rather boring, but that's the way my life is now. Nothing really happens, I spend most of the day reading. Not that my life was very exciting before either, but at least it had more variety!


Obviously I didn't get to play zomg or booty grab.

Anyway, today I went to the Dept of Social Services, to notify them I was homeless and apply for Medi-Cal, which I didn't get. I do still get food stamps thankfully - I was worried about that. But other than that, they just gave me a resource list ( which I already had ).

Oh well.

I'm still waiting to hear from the animal shelter, to set up my interview so they can put me to work there.

I went and saw my kitties today. They miss me, they come running when they hear my voice. Such nice kitties I have! I also took a shower, which I'm only getting about once a week. The place in Indio that was supposed to have shower facilities available told me, rather rudely, that they no longer offer that. There's supposed to be a shelter in Palm Springs that offers showers, but it's just too far to drive.

I'm trying to keep the driving to a minimum - the water pump is going out on my car.

Today is cloudy, and looks like rain. The Date Festival ( which is the Riverside County fair) opens Friday, so I will definitely be dealing with rain at some point in the next couple of weeks. It always rains during the Date Festival at some point. Always. You'd think they'd schedule it in January, when we often have absolutely perfect weather. But no.
